Bluetooth vs WiFi Lighting Controls

April 15, 2022


Do you ever feel like turning off the lights, but you're too comfortable in bed to get up and switch them off? Fear not! With the advent of lighting technologies, you can control the lighting of your home or office with a smartphone app. But which technology is right for you: Bluetooth or WiFi? In this blog post, we provide an unbiased comparison of Bluetooth and WiFi lighting controls, so you can make the right decision for your needs.

Bluetooth Lighting Controls

Bluetooth lighting controls involve connecting your smartphone directly to a light. Such lighting controls create a personal network between the phone and the light, which can be great for smaller spaces, such as a bedroom or office. Bluetooth lighting controls typically have a range of up to 30 feet.

Pros of Bluetooth Lighting Controls

  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • No need for a hub or bridge device
  • Can be controlled by multiple users within the range
  • Energy efficient

Cons of Bluetooth Lighting Controls

  • Limited range and connectivity
  • Limited compatibility with other gadgets and home automation systems

WiFi Lighting Controls

WiFi lighting controls use your WiFi network to connect to the light. These controls give you greater control and are best suited for large homes and offices. WiFi controls typically have a range of up to 300 feet.

Pros of WiFi Lighting Controls

  • Greater range and connectivity
  • Compatibility with other devices and home automation systems, such as Alexa or Google Home
  • Schedule and control lights from anywhere with internet access
  • Automatic updates and software upgrades

Cons of WiFi Lighting Controls

  • Can be expensive
  • Need for a hub or bridge device
  • Can be complex to set up


When it comes to choosing between Bluetooth and WiFi lighting controls, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Bluetooth lighting controls offer an easy and affordable solution for small spaces, while WiFi lighting controls provide greater control and compatibility with other devices and home automation systems. Which one you choose is up to your preference and needs.

And there you have it, folks! What do you think- we hope this post was illuminating!


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